Source code for stochastic.processes.discrete.chinese_restaurant

"""Chinese restaurant process."""
import numpy as np

from stochastic.processes.base import BaseSequenceProcess
from stochastic.utils.validation import check_numeric
from stochastic.utils.validation import check_positive_integer

[docs]class ChineseRestaurantProcess(BaseSequenceProcess): """Chinese restaurant process. .. image:: _static/chinese_restaurant_process.png :scale: 50% A Chinese restaurant process consists of a sequence of arrivals of customers to a Chinese restaurant. Customers may be seated either at an occupied table or a new table, there being infinitely many customers and tables. The first customer sits at the first table. The :math:`n`-th customer sits at a new table with probability :math:`1/n`, and at each already occupied table with probability :math:`t_k/n`, where :math:`t_k` is the number of customers already seated at table :math:`k`. This is the canonical process with :math:`discount=0` and :math:`strength=1`. The generalized process gives the :math:`n`-th customer a probability of :math:`(strength + T * discount) / (n - 1 + strength)` to sit at a new table and a probability of :math:`(t_k - discount) / (n - 1 + strength)` of sitting at table :math:`k`. :math:`T` is the number of occupied tables. Samples provide a sequence of tables selected by a sequence of customers. :param float discount: the discount value of existing tables. Must be strictly less than 1. :param float strength: the strength of a new table. If discount is negative, strength must be a multiple of discount. If discount is nonnegative, strength must be strictly greater than the negative discount. :param numpy.random.Generator rng: a custom random number generator """ def __init__(self, discount=0, strength=1, rng=None): super().__init__(rng=rng) = discount self.strength = strength def __str__(self): return "Chinese restaurant process with discount {d} and strength {s}".format( d=str(, s=str(self.strength) ) def __repr__(self): return "ChineseRestaurantProcess(discount={d}, strength={s})".format( d=str(, s=str(self.strength) ) @property def discount(self): """Discount parameter.""" return self._discount @discount.setter def discount(self, value): check_numeric(value, "Discount") if value >= 1: raise ValueError("Discount value must be less than 1.") self._discount = value @property def strength(self): """Strength parameter.""" return self._strength @strength.setter def strength(self, value): check_numeric(value, "Strength") if < 0: strength_positive = 1.0 * value / <= 0 strength_not_multiple = (1.0 * value / % 1 != 0 if strength_positive or strength_not_multiple: raise ValueError( "When discount is negative, strength value must be equal to a multiple of the discount value." ) elif < 1: if value <= raise ValueError( "When discount is between 0 and 1, strength value must be greater than the negative of the discount" ) self._strength = value def _sample_chinese_restaurant(self, n, partition=False): """Generate a Chinese restaurant process with n customers.""" check_positive_integer(n) c = [[1]] s = [0] num_tables = 1 table_range = [0, 1] for k in range(2, n + 1): p = [ 1.0 * (len(c[t]) - / (k - 1 + self.strength) for t in table_range[:-1] ] p.append( 1.0 * (self.strength + num_tables * / (k - 1 + self.strength) ) table = self.rng.choice(table_range, p=p) if table == num_tables: num_tables += 1 table_range.append(num_tables) c.append([]) c[table].append(k - 1) s.append(table) if partition: return np.array([np.array(t) for t in c], dtype=object) else: return np.array(s)
[docs] def sample(self, n): """Generate a Chinese restaurant process with :math:`n` customers. :param n: the number of customers to simulate. """ return self._sample_chinese_restaurant(n)
[docs] def sample_partition(self, n): """Generate a Chinese restaurant process partition. :param n: the number of customers to simulate. """ return self._sample_chinese_restaurant(n, partition=True)
[docs] def sequence_to_partition(self, sequence): """Create a partition from a sequence. :param sequence: a Chinese restaurant sample. """ partition = [] tables = -1 for idx, table in enumerate(sequence): if table > tables: tables = table partition.append([]) partition[table].append(idx) return np.array([np.array(t) for t in partition], dtype=object)
[docs] def partition_to_sequence(self, partition): """Create a sequence from a partition. :param partition: a Chinese restaurant partition. """ length = 0 for table in partition: length += len(table) sequence = [0] * length for idx, table in enumerate(partition): for c in table: sequence[c] = idx return np.array(sequence)