Source code for stochastic.processes.discrete.moran

"""Moran process."""
import numpy as np

from stochastic.processes.base import BaseSequenceProcess

[docs]class MoranProcess(BaseSequenceProcess): """Moran process. .. image:: _static/moran_process.png :scale: 50% A neutral drift Moran process, typically used to model populations. At each step this process will increase by one, decrease by one, or remain at the same value between values of zero and the number of states, :math:`n`. The process ends when its value reaches zero or the maximum valued state. :param int maximum: the maximum possible value for the process. :param numpy.random.Generator rng: a custom random number generator """ def __init__(self, maximum, rng=None): super().__init__(rng=rng) self.maximum = maximum self.p = self._probabilities(maximum) def __str__(self): return "Moran process with %s states" % self._maximum def __repr__(self): return "MoranProcess(maximum={n})".format(n=str(self.maximum)) @property def maximum(self): """Maximum value.""" return self._maximum @maximum.setter def maximum(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("Number of states must be an integer.") if value <= 2: raise ValueError("Number of states must be at least 3.") self._maximum = value def _probabilities(self, n): """Generate the transition probabilities for state :math:`n`. :param int n: the current state for which to generate transition probabilities. """ probabilities = [] for k in range(1, n): p_down = 1.0 * (n - k) / n * k / n p_up = 1.0 * k / n * (n - k) / n p_same = 1.0 - p_down - p_up probabilities.append([p_down, p_same, p_up]) return probabilities def _sample_moran_process(self, n, start): """Generate a realization of the Moran process. Generate a Moran process until absorption occurs (state 0 or n) or length of process reaches length :math:`maximum`. """ if not isinstance(start, int): raise TypeError("Initial state must be a positive integer.") if start < 0 or start > self.maximum: raise ValueError("Initial state must be between 0 and " + str(self.maximum)) if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("Sample length must be positive integer.") if n < 1: raise ValueError("Sample length must be at least 1.") s = [start] increments = [-1, 0, 1] for k in range(n - 1): if start in [0, self.maximum]: break start += self.rng.choice(increments, p=self.p[start - 1]) s.append(start) return np.array(s)
[docs] def sample(self, n, start): """Generate a realization of the Moran process. Generate a Moran process until absorption occurs (state 0 or :py:attr:`maximum`) or length of process reaches length :math:`n`. :param int n: the maximum number of steps to generate assuming absorption does not occur. :param int start: the initial state of the process. """ return self._sample_moran_process(n, start)