Source code for stochastic.processes.continuous.geometric_brownian_motion

"""Geometric Brownian motion."""
import numpy as np

from stochastic.processes.base import BaseTimeProcess
from stochastic.processes.continuous.brownian_motion import BrownianMotion
from stochastic.utils import generate_times
from stochastic.utils.validation import check_numeric
from stochastic.utils.validation import check_positive_integer
from stochastic.utils.validation import check_positive_number

[docs]class GeometricBrownianMotion(BaseTimeProcess): r"""Geometric Brownian motion process. .. image:: _static/geometric_brownian_motion.png :scale: 50% A geometric Brownian motion :math:`S_t` is the analytic solution to the stochastic differential equation with Wiener process :math:`W_t`: .. math:: dS_t = \mu S_t dt + \sigma S_t dW_t and can be represented with initial value :math:`S_0` in the form: .. math:: S_t = S_0 \exp \left( \left( \mu - \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \right) t + \sigma W_t \right) :param float drift: the parameter :math:`\mu` :param float volatility: the parameter :math:`\sigma` :param float t: the right hand endpoint of the time interval :math:`[0,t]` for the process :param numpy.random.Generator rng: a custom random number generator """ def __init__(self, drift=0, volatility=1, t=1, rng=None): super().__init__(t=t, rng=rng) self._brownian_motion = BrownianMotion(t=t, rng=rng) self.drift = drift self.volatility = volatility self._n = None def __str__(self): return "Geometric Brownian motion with drift {d} and volatility {v} on [0, {t}].".format( t=str(self.t), d=str(self.drift), v=str(self.volatility) ) def __repr__(self): return "GeometricBrownianMotion(drift={d}, volatility={v}, t={t})".format( t=str(self.t), d=str(self.drift), v=str(self.volatility) ) @property def drift(self): """Geometric Brownian motion drift parameter.""" return self._drift @drift.setter def drift(self, value): check_numeric(value, "Drift") self._drift = value @property def volatility(self): """Geometric Brownian motion volatility parameter.""" return self._volatility @volatility.setter def volatility(self, value): check_positive_number(value, "Volatility") self._volatility = value def _sample_geometric_brownian_motion(self, n, initial=1.0): """Generate a realization of geometric Brownian motion.""" check_positive_integer(n) check_positive_number(initial, "Initial") # Opt for repeated use if self._n != n: self._n = n self._line = generate_times(self.drift - self.volatility**2 / 2.0, n) noise = self.volatility * self._brownian_motion.sample(n) return initial * np.exp(self._line + noise) def _sample_geometric_brownian_motion_at(self, times, initial=1.0): """Generate a realization of geometric Brownian motion.""" line = [(self.drift - self.volatility**2 / 2.0) * t for t in times] noise = self.volatility * self._brownian_motion.sample_at(times) return initial * np.exp(line + noise)
[docs] def sample(self, n, initial=1): """Generate a realization. :param int n: the number of increments to generate. :param float initial: the initial value of the process :math:`S_0`. """ return self._sample_geometric_brownian_motion(n, initial)
[docs] def sample_at(self, times, initial=1): """Generate a realization using specified times. :param times: a vector of increasing time values at which to generate the realization :param float initial: the initial value of the process :math:`S_0`. """ return self._sample_geometric_brownian_motion_at(times, initial)