Source code for stochastic.processes.continuous.inverse_gaussian

"""Inverse Gaussian process."""
import inspect

import numpy as np

from stochastic.processes.base import BaseTimeProcess
from stochastic.utils.validation import check_positive_number

[docs]class InverseGaussianProcess(BaseTimeProcess): r"""Inverse Gaussian process. .. image:: _static/inverse_gaussian.png :scale: 50% An inverse Gaussian process has independent increments which follow an inverse Gaussian distribution with parameters defined by a monotonically increasing function, :math:`\Gamma(t)`. E.g. for increment :math:`[s, t]`: :math:`\mathcal{IG}(\Gamma(t) - \Gamma(s), \eta(\Gamma(t) - \Gamma(s))^2)` Uses a method for generating inverse Gaussian variates from: * Michael, John R., William R. Schucany, and Roy W. Haas. "Generating random variates using transformations with multiple roots." The American Statistician 30, no. 2 (1976): 88-90. :param callable mean: a callable with one argument :math:`\Gamma(t)` such that :math:`\Gamma(t') > \Gamma(t) \forall t' > t`. Default is the identity function. :param float scale: scale factor of the shape parameter of the inverse gaussian, or :math:`\eta` from the above equation. :param float t: the right hand endpoint of the time interval :math:`[0,t]` for the process :param numpy.random.Generator rng: a custom random number generator """ def __init__(self, mean=None, scale=1, t=1, rng=None): super().__init__(t=t, rng=rng) if mean is None: self.mean = lambda x: x else: self.mean = mean self.scale = scale self._n = None self._ms = None def __str__(self): s = "Inverse Gaussian process with mean {m} and scale {s} on interval [0, {t}]." return s.format(t=str(self.t), m=str(self.mean.__name__), s=str(self.scale)) def __repr__(self): return "InverseGaussianProcess(mean={m}, scale={s}, t={t})".format( t=str(self.t), m=str(self.mean.__name__), s=str(self.scale) ) @property def mean(self): """Mean function.""" return self._mean @mean.setter def mean(self, value): try: num_args = len(inspect.signature(value).parameters) except Exception: raise ValueError("Mean must be a function of one argument.") if not callable(value) or num_args != 1: raise ValueError("Mean must be a function of one argument.") self._mean = value @property def scale(self): """Scale parameter.""" return self._scale @scale.setter def scale(self, value): check_positive_number(value, "Scale") self._scale = value def _check_mean(self, left, right): """Check the validity of the mean function.""" delta = self.mean(right) - self.mean(left) if delta <= 0: raise ValueError("Mean must be monotonically increasing.") return delta def _sample_inverse_gaussian_process(self, n): """Generate a realization of the inverse Gaussian process. Generate an inverse Gaussian process realization with n increments. """ if self._n != n: self._set_times(n) self._ms = [] for k in range(n): self._ms.append(self._check_mean(self._times[k], self._times[k + 1])) self._ms = np.array(self._ms) ls = np.array([self.scale * m**2 for m in self._ms]) gn = self.rng.normal(size=n) ys = gn**2 xs = ( self._ms + self._ms**2 * ys / 2 / ls - self._ms / 2 / ys * np.sqrt(4 * self._ms * ls * ys + self._ms**2 * ys**2) ) zs = self.rng.uniform(size=n) ign = [] for z, x, m in zip(zs, xs, self._ms): if z <= m / (m + x): ign.append(x) else: ign.append(m**2 / x) ig = np.array(ign).cumsum() ig = np.insert(ig, [0], 0) return ig
[docs] def sample(self, n): """Generate a realization. :param int n: the number of increments to generate """ return self._sample_inverse_gaussian_process(n)
def _sample_inverse_gaussian_process_at(self, times): """Generate an inverse Gaussian process at specified times.""" n = len(times) - 1 if times[0] != 0: times = np.concatenate(([0], times)) ms = [] for k in range(n): ms.append(self._check_mean(times[k], times[k + 1])) ms = np.array(ms) ls = np.array([self.scale * m**2 for m in ms]) gn = self.rng.normal(size=n) ys = gn**2 xs = ( ms + ms**2 * ys / 2 / ls - ms / 2 / ys * np.sqrt(4 * ms * ls * ys + ms**2 * ys**2) ) zs = self.rng.uniform(size=n) ign = [] for z, x, m in zip(zs, xs, ms): if z <= m / (m + x): ign.append(x) else: ign.append(m**2 / x) ig = np.array(ign).cumsum() if times[0] == 0: ig = np.insert(ig, 0, [0]) return ig
[docs] def sample_at(self, times): """Generate a realization using specified times. :param times: a vector of increasing time values at which to generate the realization """ return self._sample_inverse_gaussian_process_at(times)